Your Midlife Crisis Doesn’t Have To Derail Your Happiness

Feb 6 · 2 min read

It happens to the best of us. We wake up one day and realize that we are stuck, stagnant, and no longer living the life we deserve. We may be wedged into a relationship that doesn’t actually fit, or we’ve suffered losses that leave holes in our lives. These and other issues can trigger a midlife crisis.

However, instead of looking at this as a negative, reframe your thoughts to consider your down days a springboard to something better.

Today on Revivified, we’ll share secrets on how to do just that.


What Is A Midlife Crisis?

According to Women’s Day, a midlife crisis is essentially the moment we realize that life is too short, and we start acting out in order to fit as much in as possible. We might wake up one day and realize that we are unhappy with where we are, or we might suffer a health scare that brings our mortality into sharp focus. While there is nothing you can do to change the past, you can make alterations to your present so that you can build a future to look forward to.

If You Hate Your Job, Going Back To School Can Help

Many of us find that our dead-end careers are what hold us back from living our best lives. That means it's time to change. It doesn’t matter if you’re in your 30s, 40s, 50s, or even entering your silver years; you can earn your degree online and change careers. For example, if you've ever wanted to earn a bachelor of education online, you can continue to work, raise your family, or even tend your garden. Your education degree offers instructional practice and can help you work in elementary, early childhood, or liberal studies education. While it might take time, simply knowing that you’re working towards something more may help you hate your current career just a little bit less.

Find Yourself Single? Hit The Road

The Revivified blog has showcased the benefits of (and several great locations for) a self-care reset trip before. When your midlife crisis involves the divorce or termination of a long-term relationship, it’s time to take your newfound freedom to see the world. If you have only a domestic travel budget, that’s okay too. The point is just to get away so that you can create a break in time between then and now.

Never traveled alone? These tips from Travelers can help you do so safely.

It’s Never Too Late To Have Better Health

As early as your 40s, you start to face the potential for heart disease, vitamin deficiency, blood clots, diabetes, menopause, and more, according to Burgess Health Center...

That doesn’t mean that these diseases are inevitable, just that it’s time to pay attention to your overall health and wellness, especially if you’ve already had one health scare. Now’s a great time to take a cooking class, which can boost your cooking skills or even kickstart a brand-new career in the culinary arts. Even if you don’t know the difference between a latka and lasagna now, learning how to cook can help you eat healthier and enjoy your time in the kitchen more.

If you’re depressed, have problems sleeping, struggle with existential concerns, or feel overall apathetic and bored with your life, it’s time to make changes. Your midlife crisis doesn’t have to be the end of your life, but it can be the beginning of a new one where you control the narrative. Whether this means going back to school in your 40s to start a new career or simply booking a solo trip to prioritize self-care, today’s tips should encourage you to embrace what you may see now as negatives and turn them into something positive.

Gabriel Patel
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